Case Study

Increased total revenue by 25%

66% more sales than the number one personalisation provider


Visii was pitted against the n.1 provider of personalisation services in the world. Outcome? Visii outperformed them by >66% in revenue uplift generated.

Increase in total revenue
Increase in conversion rate
Outperformed market leader in personalisation

“Whatever your industry, Visii are the go-to guys to figure out the magic sauce for your sales. They drove ours higher by 25%, beating all competition and never compromise on customer privacy.”

Dovydas Jakstas, Head of Growth


When customers visit Pamono’s website they are looking for inspiration from their unique products, yet don’t want to spend ages searching.

So, simply recommending similar products completely fails to provide the unique personalised customer experience that visitors demand.

Add in the fact that GDPR regulations mean brands can no longer use previous visitor behaviour to curate recommendations and Panomo faced a serious headache in how to ensure customers could quickly find the inspiration they demanded.


Visii’s philosophy is that if you can think of it, and the product exists, then you should be able to find it quickly.

It’s this mindset that has resulted in Visii’s AI brain delivering the most accurate and relevant customer recommendations of any tool on the market.

Capturing the visual appeal of products and integrating this information with product descriptions; user behaviour; external factors - such as the weather; and user demographics, Visii was able to beat every KPI.

The Test

Visii Explore

Personalised product discovery

Pamono turned to Visii’s uniquerecommendation technology to overcomeGDPR hurdles and provide their customerswith the most sophisticated personalisedcustomer experience possible.




Pamono is the go-to marketplace for vintage and contemporary furniture with over 200k unique pieces for sale from over 1,940 designers and makers.


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